Health and safety policy statement
This statement should be read in conjunction with the Health & Safety policies that set out specific responsibilities and arrangements by which Health & Safety is to be organized, implemented and monitored within the company. Operating with full compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. JHT Cleaning Services is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all employees. to ensure safe systems of work throughout our business activities, and will do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure a safe & healthy working environment and safe working methods.
JHT Cleaning Services considers that health & safety an important part of all our management systems and that clear communication and cooperation between management, employees and the client is important in order to achieve a high standard of health & safety at work. JHT Cleaning Services will :
Initiate and maintain a safe and healthy workplace, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that employees, customers, visitors and the environment are not exposed to risks arising from our cleaning activities.
Ensure that employees have adequate support, supervision, relevant health & safety documentation, information and training required, in order to make them aware of potential hazards within the workplace.
Ensure that no person intentionally or recklessly interferes with or misuses anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.
Communicate with the employees on matters affecting their health & safety and the importance of reporting or eliminating hazards by encouraging them to bring to the attention of management any proposals for the improvement of health & safety standards; thereby allowing them to fulfil their duties safely without risk to themselves or others.
Make available all necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Ensure that continual attention is paid to the provision of health & safety information.
Ensure that suppliers and service partners are aware of their responsibilities and are conversant with health & safety procedures and their implementation.
Ensure that the Health and Safety Regulations as dictated by our customers are fully complied with.